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You can deploy ScyllaDB Cloud clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). ScyllaDB Cloud runs on a subset of instance types selected for the best performance vs. cost ratio:
On AWS Cloud, high-performance storage optimized i3 and i3en instances.
On Google Cloud, n2-highmem machines with different storage size options.
When using ScyllaDB Cloud for AWS, Customers can choose between:
In ScyllaDB Cloud’s account.
In the your AWS Account. In this case, the clusters and all their resources (EC2 machines, subnets, etc) will be created in your AWS account.
In both alternatives, the cluster is fully managed by ScyllaDB Cloud.
When you choose to deploy ScyllaDB’s cluster in your own AWS account, your AWS costs will be paid directly to AWS. With this deployment, ScyllaDB Cloud tags all of its resources as ScyllaDB Cloud”, so you can easily identify them in your general AWS cloud expenses.
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